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《中英對照讀新聞》The story behind that viral hugging goose video 網紅抱抱鵝背後的故事

2017/06/09 06:00



Video of a goose running up to hug its owner is taking the internet by storm – on the KATV Facebook page alone, the video has more than 18 million views. The gander’s owner says they made the video to attract the male goose a mate.


The animals at Cyndie Adams farm in Dennard aren’t simply barnyard animals, they aren’t pets either – rather the flock is more like family. All the animals have a special bond with their owner, and all the animals are rescues.


"He just started hugging on me," said Adams. "He just did it on his own."


Adams said it wasn’t love at first sight, but now the two are inseparable.


"He used to chase me out of the garage; he didn’t like me," said Adams. "But he was injured – his wings got chewed up by a dog, so I started doctoring him."



take by storm:慣用語,形容在盛怒下征服;壓倒性成功。例句:The Beatles took the US by storm in the early 1960s.(披頭四在1960年代風靡美國。)


chew up something:慣用語,嚼、磨以破壞或摧毀某物;令人緊張或擔心(通常為被動)。例句:She was all chewed up about the test.(測驗讓她緊張死了。)

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