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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Reward of up to NT$10m for poll interference tips

2023/12/10 03:00

The entrance to the Ministry of Justice in Taipei is pictured in an undated photograph. Photo: Chung Li-hua, Taipei Times

By Chung Li-hua and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writer

People who report election interference by foreign forces to the authorities could receive a reward of up to NT$10 million (US$318,735), the Executive Yuan Gazette Online Web site said.

The regulations, which took effect on Thursday last week, state that an informant would be awarded NT$10 million if they provide information regarding foreign interference in the presidential election.

If an informant reports two or more accomplices, they would be awarded an additional NT$1 million for each person, with the maximum amount they can receive being NT$20 million.

Informants would also receive NT$100,000 for every NT$1 million discovered in the accounts of the organization they report, with a maximum award of NT$2 million.

An informant could receive NT$100,000 for every NT$500,000 in illegal funding confiscated, with a maximum award of NT$3 million.

They would be awarded NT$1 million for information leading to the arrest of members of an underground betting ring with more than 40 members and with a betting pool of more than NT$1 million.

For betting groups of more than 40 people, informants would receive an additional NT$100,000 for every 10 percent increase in the number of members, capped at NT$500,000, the regulations say.

Those who report a betting ring involving more than NT$5 million would receive an additional NT$50,000 for every additional NT$5 million of betting funds found, capped at NT$500,000.

Informants may receive no more than NT$5 million in regular and additional cash rewards combined, and if informants receive less than NT$50,000, the government should still give them NT$50,000, according to the new regulations.

The cash rewards are limited to the Jan 13. presidential and legislative elections.


In addition to the rewards exclusive to next month’s elections, there are also cash rewards for betting rings targeting municipal mayors, city and county councilors, and the speaker and deputy speaker positions for the Legislative Yuan, municipal city councils and local city and county councils.

Informants reporting attempts to influence legislative and municipal mayoral elections would be awarded NT$6 million, the regulations say.

Tips regarding attempts to influence the elections for Legislative Yuan speaker and deputy speaker, municipal council speakers and deputy speakers would earn informants NT$6 million, the regulations say.

Reporting attempts to influence municipal county or city councilor elections would result in an award of NT$3 million.

Suspects, who are detained, but not due to the informant’s information would not count toward the cash rewards.

If a group is found to be betting on legislators and municipal mayors, informants would be awarded NT$800,000.

People who report betting rings targeting municipal city councilors, city mayors or county commissioners would receive NT$500,000, the regulations state.


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