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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 Wang downplays attacks on KMT candidates

2015/12/18 03:00

A poster of President Ma Ying-jeou endorsing Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) candidates depicted on the posters to either side is seen on a wall in Changhua County yesterday. Photo courtesy of a reader

By Stacy Hsu / Staff reporter

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) vice presidential candidate Jennifer Wang (王如玄) yesterday downplayed New Power Party (NPP) legislative candidate Freddy Lim’s (林昶佐) attempt to discredit KMT Legislator Lin Yu-fang (林郁方) by associating him with Wang, who has been dogged by controversies concerning her sales of military dependents’ housing units.

Lim is seeking to replace Lin in Taipei’s fifth electoral constituency, which covers Zhongzheng (中正) and Wanhua (萬華) districts.

“Supporting Jennifer Wang is tantamount to supporting labor workers, women and children. It requires our collective effort to support the disadvantaged,” Wang said on the sidelines of a morning news conference at the KMT headquarters to promote a 3D interactive postcard for the KMT’s presidential ticket.

Wang said that she joined the race so that she could do something for the many underprivileged people in Taiwan.

“Hence, supporting Jennifer Wang is a good thing,” she said.

Wang was responding to questions regarding a red banner produced by Lim’s campaign office that read: “Supporting Lin Yu-fang is tantamount to supporting Jennifer Wang,” which was found hanging below one of Lin’s campaign banners on Hangzhou S Road Sec 2 in Zhongzheng earlier this week.

It is the same size and color and uses the same typeface as Lin’s banner, which bears the slogan: “Lin Yu-fang, worthy of your trust.”

Lim’s creation has aggravated Lin, who shared a picture of the apparently bantering banner on Facebook on Tuesday and lambasted Lim for “having done everything possible to provoke and going too far in bullying others.”

“If everyone resorts to smear tactics during election campaigns, it would be a humiliation for our democratic politics,” Lin said yesterday.

Meanwhile, a supporter of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislative candidate Chen Wen-pin (陳文彬) yesterday hung a billboard in Changhua County’s Hemei Township (和美) featuring a picture of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and a slogan reading: “Please support them to prove I have done no wrong.”

The billboard was placed in the middle of two campaign posters depicting Chen’s rival in Changhua’s first electoral constituency, KMT Legislator Wang Hui-mei (王惠美), with one of them also showing Chu.

Wang Hui-mei said she called the police and demanded the immediate removal of what she called a “slanderous letter.”

Additional reporting by Lin Liang-che


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