《中英對照讀新聞》Thais pray they’re barking up the right tree looking for lottery luck 泰國人祈求找對帶來樂透運的好運樹

Superstition and looking for luck are a part of daily life in Thailand. In one temple in central Bangkok, visitors hope to find it hidden in the bark of an ancient tree.
Hundreds flock to the Kunnatri Ruttharam temple every week to pay respects to the enormous dead tree trunk, which is draped in flowers and offerings from worshippers who believe rubbing its bark can reveal winning lottery numbers.
The state-run lottery business is booming in the kingdom, with ticket vendors on almost every street corner and buyers poring over numerology charts to pick the luckiest sequence.
One lucky worshipper believes he won 70,000 baht thanks to the tree.
“I have won minor prizes before from this tree, I think when I am in tough spots the tree helps me,” Pakapon Chummano, 54, said.
People have a variety of techniques for finding lucky lottery numbers, including visiting spirit mediums, praying to holy relics, or dropping candle wax on water at temples or other holy sites. (Reuters)
bark:名詞,指樹皮、嗥叫聲;動詞,指狗吠、咆哮。bark up the wrong tree為片語,指找錯人、找錯門、找錯原因、用錯方法。例句:He barked at me.(他對我咆哮。)
drape:名詞,指簾幔、皺邊;名詞,指呈褶狀垂下、覆蓋、裝飾。例句:She draped her coat over the back of this chair.(她把外套披掛在這張椅背上。)
pore over:片語動詞,指仔細研讀。例句:She pored over the letter searching for clues about the sender.(她仔細閱讀那封信,尋找關於寄信人的蛛絲馬跡。)