《中英對照讀新聞》Daughter sues parents for posting photos of her growth on Facebook 從小到大照片被上傳臉書,女兒怒告父母

In this day, parents are always posting pictures of their kids on social media, sometimes before they’re even born.
But parents might want to think twice about what they share online after it emerged that a woman is suing her parents for invasion of privacy because they, without her consent, posted pictures of her when she was a baby that include having her nappy changed and sitting on a potty.
The 18-year-old woman,who lives in the Austrian state of Carinthia, claims that since 2009 her parents have made her life a misery by constantly posting pictures of her on their Facebook accounts from when she was an infant.
She said the pictures allegedly included embarrassing and intimate images from her childhood and added that they were shared with her parents’ over 700 online friends.
She told local media that despite her requests, her parents have refused to delete the photos, which prompted her to sue them. Her father believes that since he took the photos he has the right to publish the images.
sue:動詞,控告。例句:He sued the company for not giving him the severance pay. (他以沒拿到資遣費為由,向公司提告。)
consent:名詞,同意;贊成。例句:Bella’s parents were mad at her because she went to the camp without their consent. (貝拉的父母對她很生氣,因為她沒經過他們同意就去露營。)
prompt:動詞,促使;激勵。例句:The thirst for knowledge prompted her to work harder. (她對知識的渴望,激勵她加倍用功。)