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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Chunghwa Post adds Israel, UK to ePacket services

Chunghwa Post staff assist people at the Minsheng Post Office in Taipei’s Songshan District on June 7 last year.
Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

Chunghwa Post staff assist people at the Minsheng Post Office in Taipei’s Songshan District on June 7 last year. Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

2019/04/01 03:00

By Shelley Shan / Staff reporter

Chunghwa Post’s ePacket delivery service is to be expanded to the UK and Israel from today as part of its efforts to develop cross-border e-commerce, the company said yesterday.

The service offers delivery of items weighing at most 2kg for postage that is cheaper than international registered mail or international express mail services, Chunghwa Post said, adding that people can track ePackets on the company’s Web site.

The service is already available for packages to Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Germany and France, it said.

EPackets to Japan, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam have a base charge of NT$100 if they weigh 100g or less, while ePackets to Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines cost NT$120 for 100g.

Services to Germany and Israel will cost NT$140 and NT$160 respectively, while the base postage to France and the UK is NT$160, it said.

Another NT$20 is charged for every additional 100g if the packet is sent to East or Southeast Asia, while it is NT$25 for each additional 100g for ePackets to Israel, Germany, France and the UK, it said.

Although people can track ePackets online, they are not registered mail, which means Chunghwa Post is not liable for mail that is lost.



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