《中英對照讀新聞》Living forever may never be possible: study 研究:長生不老或許永遠不可能
Is there a limit to how old humans could one day become? French researchers trying to answer the age-old question said they found evidence in two categories of people who lived long lives of a "biological barrier" to living forever.
The team used the recorded deaths of 1,205 "supercentenarians" who died between 1899 and 2013 aged 110 or older, and of 19,012 athletes who had competed in the Olympics from 1896 to 2012.
The athletes are considered among the longest-living people.
For the supercentenarians, the researchers found longevity had steadily increased until 1997, when the rate levelled out. A similar ceiling was observed among the athlete group. These trends "provide no signs of a recent increased longevity pattern among the longest-lived," which is not good news for people with average life expectancies, the authors wrote in the Journal of Gerontology.
Had there been a non-stop upward trend, they would have expected to find evidence of more people living ever longer, the team said. Instead, their results support theories of an "invisible barrier" to a non-stop increase in longevity.
age-old:形容詞,由來已久的。例如:age-old traditions(古老的傳統)。
ceiling:名詞,限制。例句:They have set a ceiling on pay rises.(他們訂定調薪上限。)
invisible:形容詞,無形的、看不見的。例句:Tourism brings in 40% of the island’s invisible earnings.(觀光業為這座島嶼帶來40%的無形收益。)