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    《中英對照讀新聞》Cat lady stuck in tree rescuing cat needs rescuing herself 貓女士因救貓受困反要被救

    2014/08/22 06:00


    Several residents of an Erie, Pennsylvania neighborhood heard a cat crying from a tree for several days over the weekend, and one decided to assist the animal but ended up also needing help.


    As reported by the Erie Times-News, a self-proclaimed animal lover, Tara Dennis, decided to climb and rescue the distraught feline on Sunday afternoon. Dennis told the paper, "I couldn’t let the cat stay up there."


    So, she scaled a fence, jumped onto the roof of a garage and managed to get herself on to a lower tree branch. Ms. Dennis estimated she climbed 40 feet total before she came upon the cat in need. It was on her descent that she ran into trouble and she had to stop at a certain point.


    Neighbor Marty Tirak called 911 and firefighters arrived on the scene with a 28-foot ladder. Reportedly, they carried the cat down first, and then helped Dennis get to solid ground.



    come upon somebody/something:慣用語,偶然找到、遇到某人或某事。

    in need:慣用語,在窮困中的,在危難中,在危急中。例句:A friend in need is a friend indeed.(英文俗諺,患難見真情;窮困患難中的朋友才是真正的朋友。)

    run into trouble/difficulty/problems:慣用語,遭遇困難、麻煩、問題。例句:Our project ran into difficulties when we ran out of fund.(我們的計畫在經費用罄後出現問題。)

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