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中英對照讀新聞 - Honest Cabbie Returns Passengers’ Fortune 誠實計程車司機歸還乘客鉅款

2013/01/11 06:00

A taxi driver in Singapore has been praised for remarkable honesty after handing in £500,000 which he found in the back of his cab.


Sia Ka Tian, who is 70 and has been driving taxis around Singapore for more than 30 years, had just dropped off a Thai couple who were on holiday in the city.


He then found a black paper bag on the back seat. Inside was one million Singapore dollars which equates to just over £500,000.


"When I saw the money, I thought, trouble is here. I was sure there was at least $200,000 in the bag," Mr Sia said in an interview with the Singapore Straits Times.


He immediately took the stash of thousand-dollar bills to the local lost property office. He and his colleagues counted it and discovered how much was really there.


"The money is unimportant to me. It doesn’t belong to me, so how can I use it?’’ he said to the newspaper.


According to local media reports, the driver has been rewarded for his honesty and will be given an award by his company.



hand in:片語動詞,交還,遞交。

drop someone off (some place):慣用語,讓某人(在某地點)下車。例句:She dropped off her kids at school.(她開車送小孩上學。)

belong to someone or something:慣用語,屬於某人或某事。例句:Do not take that book home because it belongs to the company.(請勿將那本書帶回家,因為那是公司的書。)

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