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中英對照讀新聞》Garlic remedy for hypertension 大蒜治療高血壓

2010/12/16 06:00


Some experts recommend taking a clove of garlic a day. Garlic may be useful in addition to medication to treat high blood pressure, a study suggests. Australian doctors enrolled 50 patients in a trial to see if garlic supplements could help those whose blood pressure was high, despite medication.


Garlic has long been thought to be good for the heart. Garlic supplements have previously been shown to lower cholesterol and reduce high blood pressure in those with untreated hypertension. In the latest study, researchers from the University of Adelaide, Australia, looked at the effects of four capsules a day of a supplement known as aged garlic for 12 weeks. They found systolic blood pressure was around 10mmHg lower in the group given garlic compared with those given a placebo.


Researcher Karin Ried said: "Garlic supplements have been associated with a blood pressure lowering effect of clinical significance in patients with untreated hypertension. Our trial, however, is the first to assess the effect, tolerability and acceptability of aged garlic extract as an additional treatment to existing antihypertensive medication in patients with treated, but uncontrolled, hypertension."


Experts say garlic supplements should only be used after seeking medical advice, as garlic can thin the blood or interact with some medicines.



clove:名詞,瓣。例句:This recipe takes four cloves of garlic.(這個食譜需要4瓣大蒜。)


thin:動詞,使變薄,使變淡。例句:Thin the sauce down with a little stock.(用一些高湯調淡醬料。)

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