中英對照讀新聞》Peru Scientists Unveil Crocodile Fossil Up To 12 Million Years Old 秘魯科學家揭示距今達1200萬年的鱷魚化石

Paleontologists unveiled on Wednesday the fossil of a young marine crocodile dating back 10 to 12 million years that was discovered in a Peruvian desert.
The fossil of the gharial - or fish-eating - crocodile, around three meters long , was discovered late 2023 in perfect condition in Peru’s Ocucaje desert, around 350 kilometers south of the capital Lima.
"This is the first time we found a juvenile of this species, that is to say, it had not reached its maximum size yet. It died before that," vertebrate paleontologist Mario Gamarra told a news conference.
The skull and jaws of these specimens differed from that of today’s crocodiles and alligators, according to Gamarra, who headed the reconstruction of the fossil.
Paleontologist:名詞,古生物學家。例句:As a paleontologist, she dedicated her life to studying prehistoric animal remains.(做為1名古生物學家,她將畢生精力投入研究史前動物遺骸。)
Juvenile:形容詞/名詞,幼年的,未成熟的;青少年。例句:The juvenile crocodile had not yet developed its full hunting capabilities.(這隻幼年鱷魚尚未發展出完全的狩獵能力。)