中英對照讀新聞》New sculpture of late Queen Elizabeth II divides opinion 已故英女王伊莉莎白二世新雕像 外界看法分歧

◎ 張沛元
A newly unveiled sculpture of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip and two corgis in Northern Ireland, intended to pay tribute to the late monarch, has received somewhat mixed reviews from the public.
While the local council told CNN that the bronze statue of the Queen “has been warmly received by most who have seen it in person,” some on social media have ridiculed it for not looking like her.
“Could be anyone,” wrote one commenter on a Facebook post from the council announcing the work’s unveiling. Another wrote that the sculpture was “beautiful” but didn’t “look like our late queen or represent how she always dressed.”
pay tribute someone/something:片語,對某人或某事表示讚賞或敬意。例句:Liam Payne’s family, friends and former bandmates came together to pay tribute to the One Direction star at his funeral in England, a month after the singer died after falling from a hotel balcony in Argentina.(在連恩潘恩從1家阿根廷飯店的陽台墜落身亡後1個月,他的家人、朋友與前團員齊聚於這位「1世代」明星在英格蘭的葬禮上,向他致敬。)
in person:片語,親自,本人。例句:The boss is too busy to meet you in person.(老闆忙到沒辦法親自見你。)