中英對照讀新聞》Frogs are screaming - we just can’t hear them, scientists in Brazil discover 巴西科學家發現青蛙會尖叫 只是我們聽不到

Scientists have recorded the first case of "defensive ultrasound" being used by amphibians.
Some frogs scream at an ear-splitting volume for other animals but its frequency is inaudible to humans, scientists have discovered.
While out in the Amazonian jungle studying frogs, researchers in Brazil noticed something strange.
Small leaf litter frogs were arching their backs, throwing back their heads and opening their mouths wide. They looked like they were screaming but the scientists could hear nothing.
When they recorded the frogs using high-frequency audio recorders, the scientists captured the first documented case of "defensive ultrasound" being used by amphibians.
The scream is a response to predators, according to researchers from Brazil’s State University of Campinas. It could be a call to arms to attract another animal to attack the predator.
ear-splitting:形容詞,震耳欲聾的。例句:We just heard an ear-splitting rumble of thunder.(我們剛聽到震耳欲聾的隆隆雷聲。)
inaudible:形容詞,聽不見的。例句:The ear-splitting explosion made my voice inaudible.(震耳欲聾的爆炸聲掩蓋了我的聲音。)