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中英對照讀新聞》A bear was killed by a hunter months after it captivated a Michigan neighborhood一隻讓密西根州一處鄰里著迷的熊在幾個月後被獵人殺了

美國密西根州特拉弗斯城一處住家樹上去年5月14日出現一隻黑熊,該州自然資源部野生生物學家格里菲斯(Steve Griffith)朝牠發射鎮靜劑。(美聯社檔案照)

美國密西根州特拉弗斯城一處住家樹上去年5月14日出現一隻黑熊,該州自然資源部野生生物學家格里菲斯(Steve Griffith)朝牠發射鎮靜劑。(美聯社檔案照)

2024/01/27 05:30


A 350-pound black bear that perched for hours in a tree, causing a Mother’s Day spectacle last spring in northern Michigan, was killed by a hunter, authorities said.


“It makes me sad, because I was just envisioning it living peacefully in the forest somewhere, thriving as a bear does,” said Ashlea Walter, who was among dozens of people who watched in May as authorities responded to a bear in a Traverse City neighborhood.


The bear was killed four months later in September in Emmet County, the Traverse City Record-Eagle reported.


“We have a few designated relocation sites and then let it go, and it’s on its own to be a bear,” said Stephen Griffith, a state wildlife biologist. “And yes, during the bear season, obviously some of them fall prey of a hunter.”



captivate:動詞,指著迷、吸引。例句:With his charm, he captivated film audiences everywhere.( 他的魅力迷倒各地電影觀眾。)

perch:動詞,指坐在邊緣、棲息於、停留於。例句:They perched on bar stools.(他們坐在酒吧高凳上。)

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