中英對照讀新聞》Indian official drains reservoir to retrieve phone he dropped while taking selfie 印度官員下令抽乾水庫 撿回自拍時掉落的手機

Governmental food inspector of India Rajesh Vishwas dropped his Samsung smartphone while taking selfie in Kherkatta dam in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh.
Vishwas first asked local divers to jump into the reservoir to find the device, claiming it contained sensitive government data. But after the efforts failed, he asked for the reservoir to be emptied using diesel pumps.
Over the next three days, more than 2 million liters of water were pumped out from the reservoir, which is enough to irrigate at least 1,500 acres of land during India’s scorching summer.
Vishwas said that he had received permission from a senior official to drain it. The smartphone was eventually retrieved but wouldn’t even start because it was waterlogged.
Authorities later suspended Vishwas after he was widely criticized for wasting water resources.(AP)
scorching:形容詞,灼熱的。例句:It is scorching hot inside the bus.(公車裡熱得不得了。)
waterlogged:形容詞,浸水的;吸飽水的。例句:The baseball game was suspended because the field was waterlogged.(由於球場浸水,棒球比賽延後了。)