中英對照讀新聞》Bakeries in a bind over rising materials costs烘焙業者因原料上漲而陷於困境

It all comes down to dough. Rising prices of materials over the past year or so, combined with the sharp depreciation of the yen in recent months, are weighing heavily on bakeries.
Operators have done their utmost during this time to avoid passing on increases in the cost of raw materials for fear of losing customers but are fast reaching the point of no longer being able to do so.
The question in the minds of many businesses is what price can they get away with - without risking customer ire. Few options seem palatable.
in a bind:片語,處於困境,陷入兩難。例句:The Bank of Japan, the country’s central bank, is putting itself in a bind by sticking to its monetary easing.(日本的中央銀行「日本銀行」因堅持貨幣寬鬆政策而自陷困境。)
come down to something:片語,歸根究底,一言以蔽之,簡言之。
weigh on someone:慣用語,使苦惱、焦慮不安、承受壓力。例句:The fear of testing positive for Covid-19 has weighed on everyone in the company.(對武肺篩檢結果呈陽性的恐懼已令公司內人人壓力山大。)