中英對照讀新聞》A Kentucky toddler dressed up as the Queen. A few months later she received royal mail 肯塔基州1名學步小童裝扮成英女王,數月後收到王室來函
美國肯塔基州2歲女童去年萬聖節打扮成英女王。(圖擷取自Katelyn Sutherland臉書)
Two-year-old Jalayne Sutherland dressed head-to-toe in gear to resemble Queen Elizabeth II for her Halloween costume.
Her mother, Katelyn Sutherland, posted photos to Facebook to show the comparison, and friends encouraged her to share them with the Queen
She eventually decided to print out the picture and send it in a letter across the pond the first week of November.
Katelyn says this was around the time the Queen wasn’t feeling well, so she hoped this letter would cheer her up.
across the pond:慣用語,大西洋彼岸。原本字面意義為「越過池塘,池塘另一頭」,指北美與歐洲(特別是英美)之間往來頻繁,大西洋有如池塘,因此「池塘另一頭」被引申為「大西洋彼岸的英國或美國」。例句:We flew across the pond to visit families in Europe.(我們飛越大西洋去拜訪在歐洲的親人。)
cheer up:片語,使振作,使高興。例句:She bought a lot of flowers to cheer herself up.(她買了許多花讓自己高興起來。)