中英對照讀新聞》Oklahoma sixth-grader praised for heroism twice in one day 日行兩善 奧克拉荷馬州六年級學生受表揚

An Oklahoma sixth-grader was honored by law enforcement and school officials for his heroic actions not just once, but twice in the same day.
Earlier this month, Davyon Johnson used the Heimlich maneuver on a classmate who was choking on a bottle cap at his school in Muskogee. Later that same day, he helped a woman escape from a burning house, the Muskogee Phoenix reported.
Last week, Davyon was named an honorary member of the police and sheriff’s departments at the Muskogee Board of Education meeting, the newspaper reported.
Principal Latricia Dawkins called Davyon a “dual hero” and said the recognition couldn’t have happened to a better person.
Davyon’s mother, LaToya Johnson, said she’s not surprised he behaved the way he did. She said her brother, Wendell Johnson, is an emergency medical technician.
couldn’t happen to a nicer/better person:指再也沒人比某人更棒了,某人完全值得某結果。若是在負面事件中使用,其意思為諷刺。例句:I hear that jerk Tony is heading into bankruptcy—couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.(我聽說混蛋東尼要破產了-真是沒人比他更應該。)
recognition:名詞,認識、承認、認可、褒揚。例句:Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition.(她超乎尋常的天賦贏得全世界的認可。)