中英對照讀新聞》’I can’t leave the profession I love’: Afghan woman takes on society’s taboos 「我離不開我熱愛的職業」:阿富汗女性挑戰社會禁忌

It’s been 18 months since Suraya Shaheedi, a 26-year-old, divorced single mother, started her mobile tattoo shop in the capital, Kabul. She’s received death threats for taking on the taboo.
Close to 40% of Afghanistan’s eligible girls are not allowed by their families to go to school, and almost 20% are forced to leave school after grade six, according to a survey.
Shaheedi divorced her husband eight years ago while she was pregnant. She and her son now live with her parents. Her father supports her work, even though Afghanistan’s patriarchal society forbids a woman from touching a man to whom she is not related or married.
"I support my daughter in every way, and she makes me proud the way she’s stood against this taboo," her father said.
She prefers not to keep a parlor with a fixed address out of concerns for her safety. And she usually finds and meets customers through Instagram and other social media. (AP)
take on:動詞片語,承擔、接受(挑戰)。例句:It is unlikely for him to take on more tasks.(他不可能再承擔更多任務了。)
taboo:名詞,禁忌。例句:Premarital sex is no longer a taboo.(婚前性行為已非禁忌。)
parlor:名詞,店鋪;會客室。例句:To open an ice cream parlor is my dream.(開冰淇淋店是我的夢想。)