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    《中英對照讀新聞》Mexico’s new president is selling his version of Air Force One and flying commercial instead-墨西哥新總統賣掉墨國版空軍一號改搭民航機



    2019/03/29 06:00


    Can you imagine boarding a commercial flight and finding out the person sitting next to you is the President of Mexico? It could actually happen.


    It’s only been three days since Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador took office, but some of his campaign promises are already in motion.


    During his leftist bid for presidency, Lopez Obrador vowed to sell the presidential plane - a Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner TP-01 - and use the proceeds to help his country’s poorer communities.

    左派人士羅培茲.歐布拉多在爭取總統大位時,曾誓言賣掉總統專機:一架波音787-8 Dreamliner TP-01型客機,並將賣機所得用於扶助墨國的貧窮社區。

    "I will not get on the presidential plane. I would be embarrassed. My face would be filled with shame if I board such a luxurious plane in a country with so much poverty," López Obrador said in a video posted to Twitter in September.


    True to his word, just one day after taking office López Obrador flew on a commercial airline to the Gulf state of Veracruz.



    take office:慣用語,就任。例句:Jared Kushner, the US president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, was wooed by Saudi Arabia’s controversial crown prince before Donald Trump took office.(早在美國總統川普就任前,備受爭議的沙烏地阿拉伯王儲,就拚命拉攏川普女婿兼資深顧問傑瑞德.庫希納。)

    (put/set) in motion:慣用語,使…開始運轉,啟動。

    true to one’s word:慣用語,信守承諾,說話算話。例句:True to his word, John showed up as he promised next day with his family.(約翰說話算話,隔天帶著家人現身。)

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