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    《中英對照讀新聞》What’s Up for August? The summer Perseids are here! 八月有什麼?夏季「英仙座流星雨」來了!



    2018/08/13 06:00


    The Perseid meteor shower peaks on a moonless summer night -from 4 pm on the 12th until 4 am on the 13th Eastern Daylight Time. Because the new moon falls near the peak night, the days before and after the peak will also provide nice, dark skies. Your best window of observation is from a few hours after twilight until dawn, on the days surrounding the peak.


    Unlike most meteor showers, which have a short peak of high meteor rates, the Perseids have a very broad peak, as Earth takes more than three weeks to plow through the wide trail of cometary dust from comet Swift-Tuttle.


    The Perseids appear to radiate from the constellation Perseus, visible in the northern sky soon after sunset this time of year. Observers in mid-northern latitudes will have the best views.


    You should be able to see some meteors from July 17 to August 24th, with the rates increasing during the weeks before August 12 and decreasing after the 13th. Observers should be able to see between 60 and 70 per hour at the peak.


    Remember, you don’t have to look directly at the constellation to see them. You can look anywhere you want to.



    meteor:名詞,流星。例句:Meteor showers are caused by streams of meteoroids hitting Earth’s atmosphere.(一連串隕石墜入地球大氣層,形成流星雨。)

    constellation:名詞,星座。例句:Rita knew all the constellations.(芮塔可辨識出天上所有的星座。)

    visible:形容詞,可見的、明顯的。例句:Planet Saturn, Mars and Jupiter are visible near overhead .(土星、火星和木星可見於接近天頂的位置。)

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