《中英對照讀新聞》Last Dog At The Shelter Receives The Sweetest Farewell Party 收容所的最後一隻狗狗獲得最溫馨的道別趴

One shelter is ending 2016 on a very happy note.
Thursday marked the first time the Hawaiian Humane Society in Honolulu adopted out all of the animals in its shelter.
Beauty the dog was the very last animal to be adopted that day, so volunteers formed a human tunnel to bid their furry friend adieu. Beauty was obviously in a happy daze.
On Wednesday, the Hawaiian Humane Society announced its "Clear the Shelter" campaign, an initiative to get the community to adopt all its available animals before the new year. Under the four-day program, any person who adopts a pet before New Year’s Day will have all adoption fees waived.
The adoption event turned out to be extremely successful and, on Thursday, a woman identified by the Hawaiian Humane Society as Jan visited the shelter and welcomed its very last pooch into her own family.
An estimated 7.6 million animals are dropped off at animal shelters across the U.S. every year, but only 2.7 million are adopted, according to statistics gathered by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
What’s more, only 35 percent of dogs that enter a shelter are adopted into new families, ASPCA reported.
on a~note:以一種~調子或口氣。例句:We have opened our discussion on a friendly and constructive note.(我們在友好、具建設性的氣氛中展開討論。)
bid sb. adieu:向某人告別。例句:Now it’s time to bid you all adieu.(現在是向你們大家告別的時候了。)
in a daze:迷亂、恍惚、茫然。例句:She was walking around in a daze.(她茫然地走來走去。)