《中英對照讀新聞》Seoul Mayor says he won’t cooperate with removal of comfort woman statue 首爾市長:不會配合移除「慰安婦」雕像

◎ 茅毅
Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon sent a firm message on concerns that a statue symbolizing the comfort women may be taken down.
The Japanese government has been applying steady pressure for the statue’s removal from its place in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul since reaching an agreement with Park Geun-hye administration on the comfort women issue late last year.
"I and the Jongno district mayor, who is also affiliated with the opposition, have said we will not cooperate with the statue being taken down, and university students continue guarding it day and night," Park said.
Park said he "agree[s] that the comfort women issue is not simply a South Korean matter but a matter of international women’s rights." "As sister cities, San Francisco and Seoul will work together for peace and justice," he pledged. "The adoption rate for textbooks that overlook Japan’s crimes is just 0.1%. We shouldn’t forget that most Japanese people are on our side," he said.
take down:動詞片語,取下、拿下、拆卸。The Christmas tree was taken down for safety reasons.(由於安全上的顧慮而拆了這棵耶誕樹。)
affiliate:動詞,使隸屬於……、加入。It’s a left-leaning group affiliated to/with the political party.(這是該政黨旗下的一個左傾團體。)
be on one’s side:慣用語,支持某人、和某人一邊。I will be always on your side.(我會永遠支持你。)