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    《中英對照讀新聞》Taking long afternoon naps may increase risk of diabetes, study shows. 研究顯示,長時間午睡可能增加糖尿病罹患風險

    2016/09/20 06:00


    Napping for more than an hour in the daytime may raise the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 45 per cent, a new study shows. Researchers at the University of Tokyo used data from 21 studies involving more than 300,000 people who had recorded their daily level of napping.


    Their research found there was a link between long naps and a higher risk of diabetes. However there was no risk before one hour. The researchers said long naps could be a result of disturbed sleep at night, potentially caused by sleep apnoea.


    This sleeping disorder could increase the risk of heart attacks, stroke, cardiovascular problems and other metabolic disorders, including type-2 diabetes. Sleep deprivation, caused by work or social life patterns, could also lead to increased appetite, which could increase the risk of type-2 diabetes.


    "Several studies have demonstrated beneficial effects of taking short naps less than 30 minutes in duration, which help to increase alertness and motor skills while a long nap might increase the risk of diabetes." said lead autor Dr Yamada Tomahide.



    apnoea:名詞,窒息,呼吸中斷。例句:Sleep apnea can lead to cardiovascular disease, accidents, and premature death.(睡眠呼吸中斷可能導致心血管疾病、意外和早夭。)

    appetite:名詞,胃口,食慾。例句:I have no appetite because I didn’t sleep well last night.(我沒有食慾,因為我昨晚沒有睡好。)

    alertness:名詞,警覺性、警惕度。例句:Ginseng can increase energy and mental alertness.(人參可增加體力和精神警覺性。)

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