捧紅「蜘蛛人」!漫威傳奇漫畫家逝世 享耆壽93歲

〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕一手捧紅漫威(Marvel)英雄「蜘蛛人」(Spider Man)、被譽為美國傳奇漫畫家的羅密塔(John Romita Sr.),驚傳於12日逝世,享耆壽93歲。
羅密塔1930年1月24日出生於紐約布魯克林區(Brooklyn),畢業於曼哈頓藝術與設計學院,畢業後在「DC漫畫」(DC Comics)工作了8年。隨後羅密塔離開DC加入「漫威漫畫」(Marvel Comics),與已故漫威創辦人史丹李(Stan Lee)聯合創作「驚奇蜘蛛人」(The Amazing Spider Man)系列,並於1970年代成為漫威公司藝術總監。
除了蜘蛛人,羅密塔也參與創作不少漫威知名英雄,如「金鋼狼」(Wolverine)、「盧克凱奇」(Luke Cage)、「制裁者」(Punisher)等,同時也為漫威宇宙(Marvel Universe)系列電影的改編貢獻不少心力。漫威娛樂14日也在推特發出悼念文,大讚「羅密塔是漫威宇宙的支柱,他的才華定義了漫威幾十年來最知名的故事和角色。漫威家族失去了這樣一位傳奇人物,我們由衷哀悼這位巨人的逝去。」
I say this with a heavy heart, My father passed away peacefully in his sleep. He is a legend in the art world and it would be my honor to follow in his footsteps. Please keep your thoughts and condolences here out of respect for my family.
— John Romita JR (@JrRomita) June 14, 2023
He was the greatest man I ever met. pic.twitter.com/Pe2K3ywbWX
John Romita Sr. was a pillar of the Marvel Universe, and his talent defined decades of Marvel's most well-known stories and characters. The Marvel family has lost one of its legends, and we mourn the loss of a creative giant. Our hearts are with his family and loved ones. pic.twitter.com/Wj0I7TPuNs
— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) June 14, 2023