助烏克蘭抗俄 斯洛伐克宣布提供S-300防空系統
斯洛伐克總理黑格爾(Eduard Heger)今日稍早在推特上宣布了這項消息,他同時表示,「烏克蘭是個勇敢的國家,保衛了自身與我們的主權。我們有義務協助,更別說是對俄軍入侵造成的人命傷亡袖手旁觀。」
I would like to confirm that #Slovakia has provided #Ukraine with an air-defence system S-300. #Ukrainian nation is #bravely defending its sovereign country and us too. It is our duty to help, not to stay put and be ignorant to the loss of human lives under #Russia’s agression.
— Eduard Heger (@eduardheger) April 8, 2022
Slovakia is stepping up its support to Ukraine. We sent S-300 air defence system to ????????, so it can defend itself against ongoing Russian aggression.
— Slovakia in NATO (@Slovakia_NATO) April 8, 2022
This would not be possible without the help of our Allies in securing our own defence. #WeAreNATO #StrongerTogether pic.twitter.com/LzBWDjfAPa