馬克宏對澳洲怒氣未消 澳防長:法國選舉快到了
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕美英澳日前宣布組成軍事同盟「AUKUS」,並協助澳洲建造核子動力潛艦,讓原本與澳有潛艇合約的法國大為光火,引發一連串外交風波。法總統馬克宏當地時間週四與澳總理莫里森通電,前者再次抨擊對方背信,似乎餘怒未消。對此,澳洲國防部長達頓(Peter Dutton)認為,馬克宏的態度可能與即將到來的法國大選有關。
The defence minister said on Friday morning his government understood Macron’s frustration. But Dutton also suggested the French president may be playing to domestic political sensibilities. “Look, don’t forget, too, that France has got an election in April of next year,” he said.
“So politicians and elections always make for an interesting mix. So I think once we get through that next year, hopefully we can continue with steps to normalise the relationship, but that’s the situation at the moment”.
France has said it was “betrayed”, “stabbed in the back” and “deceived” over Australia’s decision to dump a French-backed submarine project worth up to A$90bn (£48bn).
During the call with Morrison on Thursday night, Macron told the Australian prime minister the scrapping of a multibillion-dollar submarine contract “broke the relationship of trust” and said Canberra should propose “tangible actions” to heal a diplomatic rift.