驚悚過程曝光! 阿富汗民眾硬爬美軍機遭拋落 遺體尋獲了
根據當地媒體阿斯瓦卡通訊社(Aśvaka News Agency)報導指出,一具從機上被拋落的遺體已在喀布爾機場附近被尋獲,另外的遺體則出現在喀布爾凱爾卡納地區的民宅屋頂上,從影片中可見,有多個圍觀民眾試圖查看遺體的狀況。
People seen holding on to a plane as it prepares to take off from Kabul Airport, where at least 3 people fell to their death pic.twitter.com/poJHpN1cDC
— BNO News (@BNONews) August 16, 2021
BREAKING NEWS - Locals near Kabul airport claim that three young men who were holding themselves tightly in the tires of an airplane fell on top of people's houses. One of the locals confirmed this and said that the fall of these people made a loud and terrifying noise. pic.twitter.com/BtIovAhoDL
— Aśvaka - آسواکا News Agency (@AsvakaNews) August 16, 2021
— Aśvaka - آسواکا News Agency (@AsvakaNews) August 16, 2021
Locals while collecting the bodies of three men Clinging to the wheels of the plane that took off from #Kabul airport, they were then fell to the ground near Khairkahana area of Kabul#Afghanistan #Taliban pic.twitter.com/N14U55CZmj
從影片中可見,有多個圍觀民眾試圖查看遺體的狀況。(圖取自Aśvaka News Agency推特)