武漢肺炎》美砲轟中國驅逐記者隱瞞疫情 華春瑩氣炸
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕美國國務院發言人歐塔加斯(Morgan Ortagus)24日指控中國驅逐美國記者是為了隱瞞疫情,中國外交部發言人華春瑩今(25)日對此表達強烈不滿,在推特連發3篇貼文回擊。
美國國務院發言人歐塔加斯(Morgan Ortagus)24日在推特指出,中國採取行動驅逐美國記者,阻擋來自武漢的可靠疫情資訊,「當我們面臨新型冠狀病毒危機時,世界需要聽到比以往更多的中國民眾心聲,記者必須能夠公開、自由地發揮作用。」
中國外交部發言人華春瑩對此感到不滿,在推特回擊:「自2018年以來,共計有29名中國記者被美國拒發簽證,美國國務卿龐皮歐(Mike Pompeo)在3月2日宣布,從3月13日起驅逐60名中國記者,中國為反擊,也宣佈從3月18日起撤銷12名美國記者的採訪證。」
1/3 Since 2018 the US has denied visas for 29 Chinese journalists. On Mar 2, US StateDept announced de facto expulsion of 60 Chinese journalists by Mar 13. As a countermeasure, China announced to revoke a dozen US journalists' press cards on Mar 18. @statedeptspox pic.twitter.com/IpApSFoXeB
— Hua Chunying 华春莹 (@SpokespersonCHN) March 24, 2020
2/3 The US accuses China of obstructing information flow, but when they expelled 60 Chinese journalists, what were they afraid of? What were they trying to cover up? Did they really believe they can silence a country like China without any consequences?
— Hua Chunying 华春莹 (@SpokespersonCHN) March 24, 2020
3/3 Some US official says Chinese journalists are not real ones as they speak for the CPC. Then can we say US reporters speaking for Republicans are not real journalists? The real criteria should be objectivity and impartiality instead of ideological prejudice.
— Hua Chunying 华春莹 (@SpokespersonCHN) March 24, 2020