蔡依珊擁加籍 選前放棄有難度 申請可撤回
不過,加拿大政府官方網站,對於相關申請放棄的過程、所需時間、可否撤回,都寫得非常清楚,加拿大網站指出,申請放棄加拿大國籍後,可能會需要安排面談(You may have to be interviewed by a citizenship officer.),而且可以撤回(You may withdraw your application),申請時間在加國本土為6個月,在國外必須增加3至4個月的時間;此外,放棄若完成將會拿到一份證明文件。
Once your application to renounce your Canadian citizenship is received at the Case Processing Centre in Sydney, Nova Scotia, it will be reviewed and processing will begin.
Some applications may encounter delays. For example, if documents are missing or if your case is complex, we may contact you to get more information or to ask you to send us additional information. Such cases may take longer to process.
You can check the status of your application on-line or by contacting the CIC Call Centre.
You may have to be interviewed by a citizenship officer. If so, we will notify you by mail of the time and place of your interview. If you live outside Canada, the Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate responsible for your area will contact you to let you know how the interview will be conducted.
If your application is approved, we will send you a certificate of renunciation.
You may withdraw your application. If you do, you may be eligible for a refund.