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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Committee passes five types of traffic offense reports

Minister of Transportation and Communications Wang Kwo-tsai, center, attends a meeting of the legislature’s Transportation Committee in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Lo Pei-de, Taipei Times

Minister of Transportation and Communications Wang Kwo-tsai, center, attends a meeting of the legislature’s Transportation Committee in Taipei yesterday. Photo: Lo Pei-de, Taipei Times

2024/04/30 03:00

By Wu liang-yi and Shelley Shan / Staff reporters

The legislature’s Transportation Committee yesterday approved proposed amendments to the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act (道路交通管理處罰條例) that would allow members of the public to report five types of traffic offenses.

The amendments were drafted by the Cabinet in response to mounting criticism over a new demerit system introduced by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in June last year, which allows members of the public to report 13 types of traffic offenses.

Under the system, drivers are given one demerit for each offense committed, and risk having their driver’s license suspended if they accumulate 12 points over a 12-month period.

While the new system was warmly received by pedestrians, it upset many professional drivers, who said their fines and demerits surged within just a few months of the system’s implementation.

To appease drivers, the ministry proposed changes, including limiting the types of offenses that the public can report and setting stricter conditions under which a driver would be given a demerit.

That triggered a protest from advocates of pedestrians’ rights, who said the changes would encourage unruly drivers to break traffic rules.

The legislative committee yesterday agreed that the public could only report five types of traffic offenses: not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle, parking in spaces designated for disabled drivers, parking against the flow of traffic, parking on sidewalks and parking on pedestrian crossings.

The lawmakers also agreed that motorists would only receive a demerit if they are stopped by law enforcement personnel who can verify their identity. They would not receive a demerit if the alleged offense is reported by a member of the public or captured by a speed camera.

The amendments also stipulate that drivers who take defensive driving courses two times each year can have four demerit points expunged. At present, drivers can only have two points deducted for taking the course once a year.

The amendments could take effect in June if they pass a second and third reading at the legislature.


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