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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Taiwan attends US democracy summit

US President Joe Biden speaks at the Summit for Democracy at the White House in Washington on Wednesday. 
Photo: AFP

US President Joe Biden speaks at the Summit for Democracy at the White House in Washington on Wednesday.  Photo: AFP

2023/03/31 03:00

RECOGNITION: Cooperation in areas such as anti-corruption, media literacy and women’s rights helps strengthen global democracy, the Control Yuan president said

By Liu Tzu-hsuan / Staff reporter

Taiwan was represented at the Summit for Democracy for a second consecutive year, showing the nation’s long-standing commitment to democratic values and fighting against authoritarianism.

The US government invited leaders and representatives from democratic countries to attend the second Summit for Democracy this week.

Representative to the US Hsiao Bi-khim (蕭美琴) attended the plenary day event via videoconference on Wednesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Control Yuan President and National Human Rights Commission Chairwoman Chen Chu (陳菊) delivered Taiwan’s national statement in a prerecorded video clip, it said.

“Democracy is part of Taiwanese DNA,” Chen said, adding that Taiwan understands that democracy does not come easily and has to be safeguarded.

Following the first democracy summit in 2021, Taiwan has worked toward fighting corruption, creating an open government and countering disinformation, she said.

Taiwan continues to amend legislation to eliminate barriers to marriage, adoption and health services for LGBTQI+ people, creating a more diverse, open and inclusive society, she said.

By working together with like-minded countries on issues such as anti-corruption, media literacy and women’s empowerment, Taiwan helps enhance democratic resilience, she said.

Minister of Digital Affairs Audrey Tang (唐鳳) was yesterday to join the “Countering the Misuse of Technology and the Rise of Digital Authoritarianism” session to share a prerecorded speech discussing Taiwan’s efforts to strengthen digital resilience to safeguard a free, pluralistic and open society, the ministry said.

As a country on the front line of tensions between democracy and authoritarianism, Taiwan is aware that democracy is the only option, it said.

Military intimidation, economic coercion and diplomatic pressure would not change Taiwan’s determination to uphold freedom and democracy, and to participate in the international democratic community, it said.

Separately, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Roy Lee (李淳) received a certificate of appreciation from Polish city governments for the assistance Taiwan has provided to Ukraine, the ministry said.

Poznan Mayor Jacek Jaskowiak, Katowice Mayor Marcin Krupa and Lublin Deputy Mayor Artur Szymczyk and other officials presented the certificate signed by 12 Polish mayors to Lee on Wednesday, it said.

A silver seal stamp celebrating the 750th anniversary of Poznan, and honoring outstanding contributions to the city as well as a medal from Lublin were also given to Taiwan to acknowledge its joint effort with Poland to aid Ukraine, it said.

Taiwan’s help in resettling Ukrainian refugees in Poland is highly appreciated, the mayors said, adding that Poland and Taiwan would continue to cooperate in the reconstruction of Ukraine, it said.


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