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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Stimulus vouchers must be free: Cabinet

Democratic Progressive Party legislators Liu Shih-fang, left, Fan Yun, second left, Ker Chien-ming, third left, and Tsai Yi-yu, second right, arrive at the Executive Yuan in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

Democratic Progressive Party legislators Liu Shih-fang, left, Fan Yun, second left, Ker Chien-ming, third left, and Tsai Yi-yu, second right, arrive at the Executive Yuan in Taipei yesterday. Photo: CNA

2021/08/17 03:00

By Lu Yi-hsuan and Kayleigh Madjar / Staff reporter, with staff writer

Quintuple stimulus vouchers must be distributed free of charge and as quickly as possible, the Executive Yuan said yesterday.

A group of 45 Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmakers present at a morning meeting with Premier Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌) agreed with the Cabinet’s proposed changes to the “quintuple stimulus voucher” program based on opinions gathered by the legislators, Executive Yuan spokesman Lo Ping-cheng (羅秉成) said.

Since a domestic outbreak started in May, the government has provided assistance to more than 10 million people through its “Stimulus 4.0” relief package and other measures, Su said, adding that it is preparing to stimulate revitalization through domestic consumption as restrictions are easing.

Two preliminary conclusions were reached during yesterday’s meeting to hasten this goal, Su said.

First, the government would distribute the vouchers as soon as possible, given that the pandemic remains under control, Su said.

This would ensure immediate benefits to the industries most affected by the pandemic, including the restaurant, tourism and retail sectors, he said.

Second, the government would distribute the vouchers for free, rather than charging NT$1,000 for NT$5,000 of vouchers, he added.

Given that the nation’s GDP is forecast to grow 5.88 percent this year, marking an 11-year high, the benefits should be shared with everyone, Su said.

The Executive Yuan had previously mulled waiving the fee for anyone covered under COVID-19 relief programs, but some legislators were concerned that confusion would arise from the fact that relief funds were distributed on an individual basis rather than by family unit.

Separately yesterday, Presidential Office spokesman Xavier Chang (張惇涵) said that President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) supports the proposal and requests that the Cabinet provide a comprehensive explanation of its plan as soon as possible.

Thanks in part to the Cabinet’s efforts, Taiwan has not only been able to control the virus, but can also share its economic growth with the public, Chang said, while also thanking legislators for consolidating public opinion.

Outside the Executive Yuan building, Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) legislators gathered for a protest, calling on the government to hand out cash payments and demanding a meeting with the premier.

Decrying “backroom negotiations,” KMT Chairman Johnny Chiang (江啟臣), who is also a lawmaker, called on Su to “gather the courage” to listen to public opinion and issue cash payments.

KMT Legislator Jessica Chen (陳玉珍) said she would have liked to attend to represent her constituents, but the entrance to the Executive Yuan was barricaded, forcing even attendees to use the back door.

“Does hearing public opinion require going through the back door?” she asked.

The KMT legislators attempted to force their way into the building while scattering play money, but were stopped by police and barricades.

Additional reporting by Su Yung-yao


Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairman Johnny Chiang, front row second right, speaks at a protest outside the Executive Yuan in Taipei yesterday.

Photo: Tu Chien-jung, Taipei Times

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairman Johnny Chiang, front row second right, speaks at a protest outside the Executive Yuan in Taipei yesterday. Photo: Tu Chien-jung, Taipei Times

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) legislators and supporters toss play money into the air at a protest outside the Executive Yuan in Taipei yesterday.

Photo: Tu Chien-jung, Taipei Times

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) legislators and supporters toss play money into the air at a protest outside the Executive Yuan in Taipei yesterday. Photo: Tu Chien-jung, Taipei Times

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