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《中英對照讀新聞》The embroiderer strikes back. Meet Ukraine’s Darth Vader 刺繡人反擊,來認識烏克蘭的達斯維達

2016/01/04 06:00


Darth Vader was bent on galactic domination, but his Ukrainian namesake enjoys more mundane pursuits - local politics, walking the family dog and embroidery.


While audiences around the world have had to wait 10 years for the latest film in the Star Wars franchise, residents of the Ukrainian port city of Odessa have become used to regular sightings of Lord Vader in his famous masked helmet and floor-length black cape.


The Ukrainian citizen, who officially changed his name to Darth Mykolaiovych Vader, ran in October for the post of mayor, backed up by a phalanx of supporters dressed as Star Wars Stormtroopers.


The Sith Lord beat out more traditional candidates to place 15th out of 42 candidates in the mayoral race, while an online petition to appoint him prime minister later gained more than 25,000 signatures.


His popularity is probably less a result of any significant support for the Dark Side among average Ukrainians than a sign of public frustration with the political status quo amid economic crisis and a violent separatist conflict.



pursuit:名詞,嗜好,消遣,娛樂。例句:I don’t have much time for outdoor pursuits.(我沒太多時間從事戶外活動。)

be bent on sth/doing sth:動詞片語,決心擁有某物或做某事。例句:She was bent on getting that job.(她一心要得到那份工作。)

beat out:動詞片語,戰勝、打敗(某人)。例句:We will beat you out and win the contract.(我們會擊敗你們贏得合約。)

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