《中英對照讀新聞》Italian astronaut brews, sips first fresh espresso in space 義大利太空人在太空烹煮,啜飲新鮮濃縮咖啡
The first Italian woman in space is now the world’s first orbiting barista.
Over the weekend, astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti fired up the first espresso machine in space. She posted a photo of herself on Twitter from the International Space Station on Sunday, sipping from a cup designed for use in zero-gravity.
For the special occasion, she put on her ``Star Trek’’ uniform top. She couldn’t resist tweeting the phrase, "to boldly brew."’ "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised,"’
在這個特殊的場合,她穿上「星艦迷航記(Star Trek)」的上身制服。她忍不住在推特上寫道:「大膽沖煮。」「咖啡:是有史以來最棒的有機懸浮液。」(譯按:為仿照「星艦迷航記」的經典台詞)
Cristoforetti, who returns to Earth next week following a half-year mission, almost didn’t get any space espresso. The experimental, Italian-made espresso maker, dubbed ISSpresso using the International Space Station initials, was supposed to arrive in January, but didn’t get to orbit until April because of a shipment backlog.
How did she like the space brew? She didn’t say. But it had to beat NASA’s instant coffee.(AP)
fire up:動詞片語,啟動。例句:I fired up my computer and got down to work.(我啟動我的電腦,開始工作。)
dub:動詞,命名,授予……封號。例句:The actress was dubbed "America’s sweetheart."(這名女演員被封為「美國甜心」。)
backlog:名詞,積壓未辦之事。例如:a backlog of letters(很多未處理的信)。
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