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《中英對照讀新聞》Italian astronaut brews, sips first fresh espresso in space 義大利太空人在太空烹煮,啜飲新鮮濃縮咖啡

2015/06/02 06:00


The first Italian woman in space is now the world’s first orbiting barista.


Over the weekend, astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti fired up the first espresso machine in space. She posted a photo of herself on Twitter from the International Space Station on Sunday, sipping from a cup designed for use in zero-gravity.


For the special occasion, she put on her ``Star Trek’’ uniform top. She couldn’t resist tweeting the phrase, "to boldly brew."’ "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised,"’

在這個特殊的場合,她穿上「星艦迷航記(Star Trek)」的上身制服。她忍不住在推特上寫道:「大膽沖煮。」「咖啡:是有史以來最棒的有機懸浮液。」(譯按:為仿照「星艦迷航記」的經典台詞)

Cristoforetti, who returns to Earth next week following a half-year mission, almost didn’t get any space espresso. The experimental, Italian-made espresso maker, dubbed ISSpresso using the International Space Station initials, was supposed to arrive in January, but didn’t get to orbit until April because of a shipment backlog.


How did she like the space brew? She didn’t say. But it had to beat NASA’s instant coffee.(AP)



fire up:動詞片語,啟動。例句:I fired up my computer and got down to work.(我啟動我的電腦,開始工作。)

dub:動詞,命名,授予……封號。例句:The actress was dubbed "America’s sweetheart."(這名女演員被封為「美國甜心」。)

backlog:名詞,積壓未辦之事。例如:a backlog of letters(很多未處理的信)。

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