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《中英對照讀新聞》Harry Potter author receives honorary doctorate 哈利波特作者獲榮譽博士學位

2006/07/12 06:00


Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling received an honorary doctorate in recognition of the help she has given researchers into multiple sclerosis.


Rowling, whose mother died of the wasting disease of the nervous system, was awarded a Doctorate of Laws by Aberdeen University in Scotland.


The writer of best-selling tales about a young wizard is president of the Multiple Sclerosis Society Scotland and has donated substantial sums to Aberdeen University's Institute of Medical Sciences for its research into the illness.


"J.K. Rowling is best known because of a book that she wrote in a cafe in Edinburgh which has made her a household name," Neva Haites, head of the university's College of Life Sciences and Medicine, told the award ceremony at Aberdeen's Marischal College.


"However, what is less well known is Ms. Rowling's significant contribution to many charitable causes." Haites said Rowling had taken on leadership of the MS Society Scotland after discovering "what she called 'the appallingly poor quality of care available to people with multiple sclerosis in Scotland'."


Rowling smiled to acknowledge the audience's applause as she received the honor."I am thrilled…It is very exciting," she told reporters afterward.



honorary doctorate:榮譽博士。

multiple sclerosis:多發性硬化症,簡稱MS。

household name:家喻戶曉的人或事。例句︰Bill Gates is a household name.(比爾蓋茲家喻戶曉。)

leadership:領導能力、領導地位。例句︰The vice president took over the leadership of the country. (副總統接掌了國家領導權。)

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