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《中英對照讀新聞》Norwegian punter cashes in on 175-1 Suarez bite bet 挪威賭客1賠175賭蘇亞雷斯咬人大賺一筆

2014/07/07 06:00


A Norwegian football fan has won more than £500 after placing a £3 bet that Luis Suárez would bite someone at the World Cup.


Thomas Syverson placed a bet at 175/1 on online gambling website Betsson. A slip posted online shows the bet of 32 Norwegian Krone (£3.09) that was placed by Mr Syverson - with his payout coming in at 5,600 Krone (£540.26).


The latest clash in the sweltering Arena das Dunas in Natal, Brazil, came in the final 15 minutes of a tense decisive match between Italy and Uruguay. Both teams were fighting for qualification for the next round and the score still stood at 0-0 in the final minutes.


Then Uruguayan forward Suárez clashed with Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini. Both players fell to the ground with Suárez clutching his infamous teeth while Chiellini gesticulated furiously and pulled down his shirt to show the point of impact.


Just 14 months ago Suárez spent 10 matches on the bench and apologised for biting Chelsea defender Branislav Ivanovic in a 2-2 draw between Liverpool and Chelsea.



punter:名詞,賭客。例句:The semifinal attracts punters to bet on their favorite teams.(這場準決賽吸引賭客下注押他們最愛球隊。)

cash in on something:動詞片語,趁機靠某事某物賺錢或得利。例句:Arms dealers are cashing in on the civil war. (軍火商正趁這場內戰大撈一票。)

draw:名詞,平手。例句:The match ended in a 0-0 draw.(這場比賽結果0比0平手。)

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