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《中英對照讀新聞》Who’s at the door? Oh, it’s Gorbachev 誰在門口?噢,是戈巴契夫

2014/03/14 06:00


In the scripted world of high-profile diplomacy, every move is planned weeks in advance, with seating charts, menus and toasts subject to careful scrutiny.


So imagine Britain’s surprise when Mikhail Gorbachev made an unannounced, spontaneous visit to the prime minister’s residence at 10 Downing Street in London.


This happened in December 1984, when the future Soviet leader _ chief architect of the liberalization program known as perestroika _ made a landmark trip to Britain.


Afterward, an impressed Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher told U.S. President Ronald Reagan that Gorbachev was a man the West could do business with.


Gorbachev’s impromptu appearance at the prime minister’s home was revealed in a confidential telegram made public Friday by the National Archives under the "30-year rule" for declassifying secret documents. (AP)



at the door/at one’s door:慣用語,在門口,很近,迫在眉睫。例句:Check your coat at the door please.(請將外套寄放在門口的衣帽間)。


do business with:慣用語,與…做生意或打交道。例句:It’s my pleasure to do business with you.(很榮幸能與您做生意。)

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