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《中英對照讀新聞》New China law says children must visit parents 中國新法規定,孩子必須探視父母

2013/07/04 06:00


Grown children in China must visit their parents or potentially face fines or jail, a new law that came into effect on Monday says.


China’s new "Elderly Rights Law" deals with the growing problem of lonely elderly people by ordering adult children to visit their ageing parents.


The law says adults should care about their parents "spiritual needs" and "never neglect or snub elderly people".


The regulation has been ridiculed by tens of thousands of Chinese web users. Many across China are questioning how the law could be enforced.



potentially:副詞,可能地。例句:This crisis is potentially the most serious in the organization’s history.(這可能是這個組織史上最嚴重的危機。)

snub:動詞,冷落、怠慢。例句:I think she felt snubbed because Anthony hadn’t bothered to introduce himself.(我想她覺得被冷落了,因為安東尼連自我介紹都沒有。)

ridicule:動詞,揶揄、奚落。例句:He’s become an object of ridicule.(他成為揶揄的對象。)

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