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《中英對照讀新聞》Russian millionaire throws paper planes made of money into crowd 俄國富豪把錢做成的紙飛機扔入人群

2012/07/28 06:00


Twenty-seven-year-old Russian millionaire Pavel Durov has earned himself plenty of new critics today after it was reported the mogul threw "paper planes" made of money from the windows of his St. Petersburg office into a growing crowd of pedestrians below.


Durov is the CEO of Vkontakte, or "In Contact," Russia’s most popular social networking site and considered that country’s equivalent to Facebook.


RT.com reports that a growing crowd amassed to collect the 5,000-ruble notes, which are worth about $160 each. However, while Durov reportedly appeared amused by the crowd, he stopped throwing the cash planes from his office window after some spectators appeared to turn violent.


According to RT, Durov took to his Twitter account, writing, "We had to stop soon, though, as people turned into animals."


Still, Durov apparently neglected to take personal responsibility for the response and even promised that "definitely, more such actions are to follow."


At the end of the day, Durov, who is worth an estimated $260 million, apparently tossed down only about $2,000 in cash to the crowd.



mogul:名詞,鉅子;大亨;顯要人物。例句:He is a movie mogul.(他是影業鉅子。)

equivalent:名詞,相等物。例句:There is no English equivalent for ’bon appetit’ so we have adopted the French expression.(英文裡沒有等同於「bon appetit」的詞,所以我們直接採用這個法文。)

turn into:片語,(使)變成;(使)成為。例句:Tadpoles turn into frogs.(蝌蚪變成青蛙。)

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