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《中英對照讀新聞》China to Overtake Japan in Luxury Demand 中國奢侈品需求將超越日本

2011/09/20 06:00


China’s consumers are pushing the nation to the top once again. It will overtake Japan this year to be the country with the biggest appetite for luxury goods, HSBC predicts in a research report issued late last week.HSBC expects China’s consumers to keep spending, even if their affluent counterparts in the West stop.


The reasons are, at least in part, cultural. “Displaying wealth has become a trend in China, and we think this will continue to translate into growing purchases of luxury goods for oneself, or as gifts,” HSBC said.


“In Chinese and Russian communist societies, individual property was not allowed and private wealth was traditionally suspicious. With the liberalization of the economy, a new class system was created where your place on the ladder may depend on how much money one earns, and owning luxury goods can help display the level of one’s wealth.”


Watches and jewelry, in particular, stand to benefit from growing luxury demand in the region. In the first half of 2011, China overtook France as the third-largest importer of Swiss watches, growing 49% from the year-earlier period.



overtake:動詞,超過、趕上。例句:China overtook the United States as the largest personal –computer market last quarter. (中國在上一季超越美國,成為全球最大個人電腦市場。)

affluent:形容詞,富裕的。例句:He grew up in an affluent family.(他在富有的家庭長大。)

translate into:轉化為…,成為。例句:Some opportunities could be translated into jobs for local people.(有些機會或許能成為當地人的工作機會。)

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