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《中英對照讀新聞》Germany tries to love ’ugly’ architecture 德國試著去喜愛「醜」建築

2010/12/11 06:00


Some architects in Germany say the country has many ugly buildings that should be embraced and appreciated rather than demolished.


In the frantic rush of construction that swept the country to rebuild after the destruction of World War II, plenty of architectural "missteps" were made as boxy concrete eyesores went up in cities everywhere, Der Spiegel reported Friday.


Getting rid of them all would amount to a vast, and expensive, re-reconstruction project.


As an alternative, many architects suggest, it may be time to admit that ugliness has its virtues -- and time to begin recognizing that fact.


"I think it is very important, when it comes to buildings that everyone agrees are ugly, that we find methods that encourage people to see them in a different, more appreciative light," Turit Frobe, an architect at the Berlin University of the Arts, says.


"Many cities don’t take care of these buildings because they are no longer fashionable," Frobe says. "But if they just let them sit there and don’t do anything with them, there is no way for people to develop a positive feeling toward them."



misstep:名詞,失策;失誤。例句:He has committed too many missteps in this affair. (在這件事情上,他犯了太多失誤。)

eyesore:名詞,看不順眼的東西; 難看的東西。例句:That new shopping centre is a real eyesore.(那個新的購物中心真是難看極了。)

virtue:名詞,美德、優點、長處。by virtue of意指憑藉、靠…的力量、託…的福。

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