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《中英對照讀新聞》Style critics hit latest Ikea design: catalog type 設計評論家抨擊Ikea最新設計:目錄字體

2009/09/27 06:00


Ikea, the Swedish furniture chain, says it never expected such a backlash after switching typeface in its latest catalog.


The company’s decision to make its first such font change in 50 years — from the iconic Futura typeface to the Verdana one — has caused a worldwide reaction on the Internet.


"We’re surprised," Ikea spokeswoman Camilla Meiby said. "But I think it’s mainly experts who have expressed their views, people who are interested in fonts. I don’t think the broad public is that interested."


Verdana was invented by Microsoft for use on a computer screen, not on paper. Its wide, open letters with space between characters are designed to increase legibility on small computer screens.


Ikea said that in order to reach many people in many different ways, it needed a font that works in both digital and print media.


But some Ikea fans were outraged, finding Verdana less elegant than Futura. The online forum Typophile ended its first post with the words, "It’s a sad day."



backlash:名詞,指對某事物的強烈反應或反對,如the Sixties backlash against bourgeois materialism(60年代對於中產階級唯物主義的強烈反動)。

typeface:名詞,指鉛字字樣、印刷字體,如Use bold typeface for your headings.(標題應使用粗體字。)

legibility:名詞,指(字跡等的)易讀性、辨識程度,形容詞為legible,如Her handwriting is barely legible.(她寫的字別人根本看不懂。)亦可指能夠輕易看出來的,如legible weaknesses in character and disposition(在性格與氣質上的明顯缺點。)反義字則為illegible。

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