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《中英對照讀新聞》UK’s "Osama bin Laden" cop loses job 英國的「賓拉丹」警官丟了飯碗

2008/09/17 06:00

◎ 魏國金

A senior British police officer who dressed up as Osama bin Laden to attend a village fair has been dismissed from his job helping to build Afghanistan’s security forces.


Chief Superintendent Colin Terry of the Devon and Cornwall Police dressed up as the architect of the Sept. 11 attacks, complete with turban, Arab robes and a face mask, to attend the local charity fete last week.


He was spotted by a photographer and reported to the Independent Police Complaints Commission by his own force. Now he has also been dismissed by the Foreign Office, which oversaw his policing contract in Afghanistan.


"Chief Superintendent Colin Terry will not be returning to the EUPOL mission," a spokesman for the Foreign Office said. EUPOL is a European Union-backed police training scheme.


Witnesses at the fete and colleagues on the Devon and Cornwall police force were shocked when Terry was revealed to be the man behind the Osama bin Laden fancy dress.


Terry was in turn surprised by everyone’s outrage. "I am quite horrifed that someone would see this negatively," he was quoted as saying in the Guardian newspaper at the time. "This is a local event that has been running for many, many years, raising money for charity."



dismiss (from)︰ 解散、解雇、拋棄(念頭)。例句︰We dismissed the idea of cycling to the west coast.(我們打消了騎單車到西海岸的念頭。 )

fete︰(為慈善或募款舉行的)園遊會、義賣會。當動辭有熱情款待、讚揚之意。例句︰He has been feted as a great thinker. (他被譽為大思想家。)

in turn︰輪流地、反過來。例句︰Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.(理論以實踐為基礎,反過來又為實踐服務。)

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