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《中英對照讀新聞》 IBM unveils technology for faster CPUs IBM推出加快CPU速度的技術

2008/08/30 06:00


IBM on Monday said it had invented technology that could reduce power consumption and speed up the performance of processors used in PCs, servers and other devices.


The company has shrunk the smallest features in test memory chips used in CPUs to 22 nanometers, which could enable processors to have more features and perform more quickly while consuming less power.


The memory chips, called static random access memory (SRAM) cells, are part of a CPU where data is temporarily stored before being processed.


Reducing the memory cell’s size is one step in shrinking the entire microprocessor, said Mukesh Khare, project manager at IBM. The company hopes to see CPUs manufactured using the 22-nm process by 2011, Khare said.


With the smaller features, IBM could put more functions on a smaller chip, such as adding 3-D graphics or animation capabilities, or put graphics chips inside microprocessors, he said.



CPU:英文全稱是Central Processing Unit,即「中央處理器」,是現代電腦最核心的元件,亦稱microprocessor(微處理器),或簡稱為processor(處理器)。


animation:名詞,動畫、卡通片。animation另一個常見意思是「活潑、熱烈」,例句:They talked of their holiday plans with great animation.(他們非常起勁地談著度假計畫。)

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