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《中英對照讀新聞》Remorseful American pays German parking fine, 12 years late 晚了12年,懊悔的美國人支付德國違規停車罰款

2008/06/20 06:00


A remorseful American has surprised German police by mailing them US$100 to cover a 12-year-old parking fine.


Police in Cologne said that the woman, whom they identified only as Julie H., sent them a handwritten confession to her failure to pay the 60-mark (US$47.60 at current rates) fine, incurred during a visit to the city in August 1996.


In the letter to "dear Cologne police," mailed from Draper, Utah, Julie H. wrote in German that she had not understood local parking rules and had been annoyed by the fine - but "now I want to pay the parking ticket." She enclosed a US$100 (euro64) travelers check payable to the city of Cologne.


Police said in a statement that they sent a response thanking Julie H. for the letter - and returned the check.


They added, the statute of limitations on the offense expired 11 years ago.




statute of limitations:追溯期間,時效。statute,名詞,法令,規章。另有幾個字與statute拼法近似,但意義完全不同,如statue,名詞,雕像,The Statue of Liberty,自由女神雕像;stature,名詞,身高,高度。

expire:動詞,期滿;吐氣;死亡。名詞為expiration。例句:There’s no expiration date on parents’ love for their children.(父母對子女的愛無止期。)

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