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《中英對照讀新聞》Biggest TV screen ever will be as tall as a man歷來最大的電視,將和人一樣高

2008/01/17 06:00


Couch potatoes might no longer have room for the couch. Stand well back for the world’s biggest television, a 150-inch plasma screen that towers six feet high and stretches 11 feet wide.


Although it can show footballers in actual size, you would need to sit more than 30 feet away to watch it in comfort.


Two years ago Panasonic demonstrated a 103-inch TV at the CES. Last year Sharp went bigger with an LCD flatscreen measuring 108 inches. Panasonic insists that the 150-inch set is not merely a novelty show-stopper but intended for sale.


James Beechinor-Collins, editor of Republic Publishing and co-founder of the gadget website ElectricPig, said: ’This will be the Formula 1 car of TV. It’s pushing the boundaries of technology and it’s only this way they can improve effectiveness and efficiency. But how many people are going to buy a 150-inch TV for £50,000?’



tower︰名詞,塔,高樓;動詞,高聳,屹立。例句:The skyscraper towers into the sky.(這棟摩天大樓高聳入雲。)

showstopper︰名詞,讓人嘆為觀止、掌聲不斷的東西,showstopping 為同義形容詞,如 a showstopping performance(讓人嘆為觀止的表現。)

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