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中英對照讀新聞》Baltics to build defenses, bunker system on russian border 波羅的海國家要在俄羅斯邊界興建防禦、掩體系統

2024/03/27 05:30



The Baltic countries agreed to build bunkers and put in place other defensive structures on their borders with Russia and Belarus.


Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are among the harshest critics of the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine. The nations’ defense ministers signed an agreement to build “anti-mobility” structures to defend against military threats in the coming years, the Estonian Defense Ministry said in a statement Friday.


Estonia plans next year to start building at least 600 bunkers, each one capable of holding as many as 10 soldiers. Latvia is considering mining parts of its frontier in the event of an emergency.


“Russia’s war in Ukraine has shown that, in addition to equipment, ammunition, and manpower, physical defensive installations on the border are also needed to defend Estonia from the first meter,” Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur said in the statement.



put something in place:片語,將某事務就定位,準備就緒。例句:The police have put some security measures in place.(警方已經安排好一些安全措施。)

harsh:形容詞,嚴厲的,刺耳的。例句:I’ve received some harsh criticism.(我收到一些嚴厲的批評。)

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