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中英對照讀新聞》Presidential plane to the rescue of Colombia’s lost artefacts總統專機營救哥倫比亞失落的文物

2023/12/20 05:30



Since leftist Gustavo Petro took office in Colombia last August, his presidential plane has criss-crossed the globe collecting archaeological artifacts in foreign hands, and bringing them home.


The effort, also aided by the naval flagship Gloria, has seen at least 560 pre-Columbian relics returned from countries such as the United States, Spain, Britain, Belgium, Germany and Mexico, according to the government.


In just over a year, the presidential jet has taken Petro on more than 30 official trips abroad that have returned with artifacts - an exercise the government has described as "an efficient use of resources." (AFP)



come to the(sb.’s) rescue:片語,營救、解救。例句:A lifeguard came to the rescue of a boy who was struggling in the water.(一名救生員前去營救一名在水裡掙扎的男孩。)

criss-cross:動詞,來回,周遊,交叉縱橫。例句:We spent two years criss-crossing the country.(我們花1年時間遊歷這個國家。)

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