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中英對照讀新聞》The Tropicana, a Relic on the Las Vegas Strip, Could Be Demolished 賭城大道遺跡「熱帶花園」酒店恐遭拆除

2023/10/06 05:30



The Tropicana Las Vegas, built in 1957, held the city’s longest-running cabaret and was synonymous with its swinging midcentury glory. It could be torn down to make way for a baseball stadium.


It’s been decades since the heyday of the Tropicana. And Las Vegas, always evolving, is finally offering a form of entertainment found in other big American cities: major professional sports teams. Now the faded resort, one of the city’s oldest casinos, stands in the way.


The governor of Nevada signed a bill agreeing to finance up to $380 million of the $1.5 billion stadium to lure the Oakland Athletics to a site on the Las Vegas Strip.



be synonymous with:片語,同義於,等同於。例句:Hokkaido has always been synonymous with snow festivals and seafood.(北海道向來等同於雪祭與海鮮。)

stand in the/one’s way:慣用語,擋路;(引申)阻撓。例句:He tried to get closer to the female singer to shake her hand, but a crowd of fans stood in his way.(他試圖靠近女歌手以便握手,但一群歌迷擋住他的去路。)

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